Why Faith Matters to George Washington

Why Faith Matters to George Washington

Faith: How did George Washington value faith?

Faith is a spiritual concept as well as a fundamental way to help humans navigate the world. Faith means to have complete trust or confidence in someone or something. Faith helps us believe things we cannot see or touch. When we demonstrate faith, we are also demonstrating conviction.

Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. Faith is a broad term used in many ways to express a range of different beliefs and attitudes. In its most general sense, though, faith means much the same thing as trust and confidence.

Have you ever had to make a difficult decision? Has it ever been hard for you to do the right thing? Have you ever been called upon to do something that seemed hard for you to do?

It can be frightening to do something that you know is right. For instance, standing up for a friend can be difficult when others are bullying them. It can be difficult to wait your turn, share the last cookie in the box with a friend, or let your younger sibling choose which movie to watch on family movie night. But you make sacrifices for others because you care about them.

It’s sometimes hard to do the right thing. It can be difficult to find the bravery and the strength to go against the tide. But being able to do so is an important part of being a leader.

The stories of America cannot be told without acknowledging the idea of faith. Especially not without George Washington’s faith and unwavering spirit that enabled victory over the British.

George Washington was called upon to do the seemingly impossible by his fellow Americans. Washington faced many such challenges throughout his life, and there were many times that he shouldn’t have survived – in a battle while serving in the Virginia Regiment before becoming the Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army, he had two horses shot out from under him and four bullet holes in his coat.

However, Washington’s faith in God and his ability to endure and persevere allowed him to overcome any obstacle that stood in his path. His decisive leadership set an example for generals and presidents alike in the decades following the founding of the United States.