Let’s Review

America Settled: Review Time

The Pilgrims were English men, women, and children who loved their home country of England. Their story begins after the king of England created laws around how people should practice faith. The Pilgrims believed they should practice their faith as they wanted, and since they were not willing to follow the King’s laws, the Pilgrims had to find a way to leave England. In 1607, the Pilgrims moved to Holland, where religious freedom existed.

Life in Holland was not easy. The Pilgrims had to learn new skills, and it was challenging to make money. Also, the Pilgrims missed their old life and culture and wanted to raise their children following their customs, in their way. So, the Pilgrims set out to find a new place to live where they could practice their faith as they wanted, while still keeping their English customs and traditions. After hearing of other expeditions at the time, the Pilgrims believed America was where they should live.

In the Autumn of 1620, the Pilgrims left Europe for America on a ship called the Mayflower. After a difficult journey lasting two months at sea, the Mayflower landed at Plymouth Rock in what is now the state of Massachusetts. The 102 passengers called this land the “New World.” Their faith had been rewarded. They now had the freedom or liberty to live and worship as they wanted.

“All great and honorable actions are accompanied with great difficulties, and both must be enterprised and overcome with answerable courage. “

– William Bradford