America After Slavery

America After Slavery

As we discussed in the last lesson, the Union’s victory in the Civil War and the passage of the 13th Amendment freed Blacks in America from the bondage of slavery. However, throughout the Reconstruction-era, which was the period after the Civil War had ended, Americans were divided over how to integrate free Blacks into American society.

Despite what the Constitution said, sadly, many white Americans, especially those who supported the Confederacy in the southern United States, still thought that Blacks were second-class citizens – all because of the color of their skin.

White people and Black people, although both were now free, did not have the same opportunities to live out their freedom. There were laws put in place specifically to keep Blacks and Whites separate and make sure that Blacks did not have as many opportunities as Whites. Blacks had fewer opportunities and the opportunities they did have were not as good as those that White people had access to.