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The American Cornerstone Institute created the Little Patriots platform for parents, grandparents, teachers, and caregivers to have a free, online resource to use to teach children civics lessons, history, and American values at home, in the car, or after school. Our program features an entertaining cartoon series, Star Spangled Adventures, created by a talented animation team with experience working for ABC Kids, Disney, and Cartoon Network. These historical cartoons introduce key topics and events to children. To accompany the cartoon, we have created free online learning courses parents and grandparents can take with their kids to help teach them more about the history topics and values featured in the cartoon episodes.

Our online learning courses are written by a curriculum team made up of public and private school teachers, elementary school principals, and online learning experts. Each course features lessons with suggested grade levels for kids in K-5th grade but we encourage parents and grandparents to review the content to determine which lessons and grade levels are best for your family.

Dr. Carson’s Children’s Books

The Little Patriots program is completely free!

The American Cornerstone Institute created the Little Patriots platform for parents, grandparents, teachers, and caregivers to have a free, online resource to use to teach children civics lessons, history, and American values at home, in the car, or after school.

Little Patriots content is made available free of charge thanks to generous donations from people like you. Please consider making a tax free donation to our nonprofit today.

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