Safeguards of Liberty in the Bill of Rights

Safeguards of Liberty in the Bill of Rights

Bill of Rights: This document is still very relevant even today.

The Constitution’s preamble outlines a purpose, which is to “secure the blessings of liberty.” This preamble is written so that it protects the Americans at the time and also Americans in the future. However, many felt that it did not achieve this stated purpose.

People known as anti-federalists were worried that a strong central government was a threat to American freedoms and the individual rights of Americans. The anti-federalists were worried that the position of a President could turn into a monarchy – a king. And remember, the Americans had just fought a very bloody Revolutionary War because they were so strongly against the British King taking away their liberties.

The anti-federalists felt the states should have more power to protect their liberty and their way of life. When it came to approving the Constitution, these concerns came close to preventing several of the States from approving the Constitution. So, compromise was needed, which came in the form of amendments that were written to protect American liberties. These amendments became the United States Bill of Rights.

The Bill of Rights is made up of the first ten amendments to the Constitution. The first three are the safeguards of liberty and the other seven provide the safeguards of justice.

Although the Bill of Rights is made up of the first ten amendments to the Constitution it is the first amendment that protects five basic freedoms. Amendments 2-8 give citizens certain rights not covered in the Constitution.

Let’s Reflect:

Have you ever had any of your freedoms taken away?

  • For example, have you ever been grounded by your parents?
  • How did that make you feel?