Get Ready to Learn

Get Ready to Learn

Kindergarten: The Declaration of Independence

Lesson Introduction

Imagine you have a clubhouse where you and your friends play together. Do you
need rules to make sure everyone is treated kindly and has a fair chance to play?

  • What are some rules you would create for your playhouse?

We live in the United States. The United States is a wonderful country. Did you know that a long time ago our country was ruled by a British king? Some people were not being treated very nicely by the king. The people in America, called the colonists, had to pay the king taxes. A tax is money that adults give to the government to help pay for important things like schools, parks, and keeping us safe. But, the taxes that the colonists paid did not help the colonists. The taxes only benefited the British king.

So, a group of smart, brave colonists wrote the Declaration of Independence. This is a special letter the colonists sent to the British king to say, “We want to make our own rules and be in charge of our own taxes.” Let’s watch another episode of Star Spangled Adventures to learn more about the Declaration of Independence!