George Washington: President of the United States

George Washington on the
Defensive in the Revolutionary War

The 1st President: What kind of President was Washington?

Against his wishes, Congress insisted that George Washington receive a salary for serving as president.

Washington understood above all else that his actions as President of the United States would have long-lasting consequences. He knew he needed to set precedents for future presidents to come.

George Washington wanted to unify the country into a single entity rather than simply an alliance of states. Washington was a talented administrator and regularly consulted with his cabinet.

He supported the establishment of the first national bank of the United States. This was very controversial, and there was much fighting between Alexander Hamilton, the Secretary of the Treasury, and Thomas Jefferson, the Secretary of State. Hamilton believed in a strong national government with a national bank, whereas Jefferson believed the states should direct the government.

Washington had originally intended to retire after his first term but was again persuaded to run, changing his mind partly due to the instability of the government at the time.

Let’s Reflect

Have you ever tried to set an example for others? If so, what did you do to set an example?