Determination at the Siege of Boston

Determination at the Siege of Boston

Determination: The patriots were not going down without a fight.

Right after the battles of Lexington and Concord, the Continental Army joined the New England Patriot soldiers and surrounded the British forces in Boston – known as the Siege of Boston.

The Patriots blocked all land access to Boston and controlled all of the countryside. However, the Patriots did not block sea access to Boston, and the British Royal Navy were able to bring in supplies to the British Army. The British were able to bring in more soldiers and strengthened their forces to 6,000 men. They made plans to take the hills surrounding Boston so that they could control Boston Harbor. Hearing of these plans, the Patriots got there first, occupying the hills at night.

The statement that all men are created equal is the belief that all people are born free and equal; God (or the divine) created all people equally, and they should be free to choose their path and future.


This led to the Battle of Bunker Hill on June 17, 1775. The British forces attacked but were forced back by the brave Patriots occupying the hills two times. The British were finally successful in taking the hills after the Patriots ran out of bullets. Although the battle was won in the end by the British, it came at a great cost to them. They lost many more soldiers than the defending Patriots.


The Patriots continued to surround the British forces in Boston, but the British were still getting supplies from the sea. However, George Washington had plans to change this. The Patriots had captured Fort Ticonderoga from the British. He sent Henry Knox to Fort Ticonderoga to bring its cannons back to Boston.

January 1776

In January 1776, the Patriots placed these cannons on Dorchester Heights, hills overlooking the Boston Harbor. This made it more difficult for the British to get supplies from the sea.

After nearly a year of surrounding the British, the Siege of Boston ended when the British fled to Halifax, Nova Scotia, on March 17, 1776.